Shah Rukh has been in the news a lot lately, from the condition of his shoulder to the preparations of MNIK, and, as irony would have it, even Shah Rukh isn't above the immigration authorities. He was recently detained in a Newark airport on Saturday while on his way to Chicago for Independence Day celebrations. While some were outraged, others simply stated that they weren't surprised. It makes me wonder how long the U.S. government, immigration officials and the like will hold onto this fear of the Muslim community? I hope it's not forever.
Also, it was also recently reported that Shah Rukh and Katrina may finally star in a project together and that it will hit the floor in 2010. I have no idea how on earth Shah Rukh is suppose to do Farah's New Year's Eve, Farhan's Don 2, Anubhav's Ra.1 and this new movie with Kat, all of which I'm sure I read were suppose to start filming in 2010. After such a long draught we'll actually get an SRK flood of films. I suppose I can be okay with that!
Have a great weekend everyone!
19 hours ago
August 19, 2009 at 8:15 PM
Looking forward to anything and everything that Shah puts out!! Can I just say how strange and uncool his shirt is in the last photo.. and in combination with his "cool" chain... just LOL!
Still... somehow sexy!!!
August 20, 2009 at 8:17 PM
I'm pretty sure that the bottom pic is from KKHH, but only 90%. I thought it was funny.
I am thrilled he is doing so much, but I worry about his health. I think he's already working too much. Don't want to pull a Priyanka and start fainting from exhaustion!